Artificial Intelligence: Which Jobs May Be Most At Risk?


Artificial                                     Intelligence:    

  Which Jobs May Be Most                       At Risk? 

   Geoffrey Hinton, known as the              'Godfather' of artificial intelligence,             has  warned of its growing dangers as           businesses grapple with how they can use the technology to their advantage.

Geoffrey Hinton, 75, has warned that artificial intelligence chatbots could be smarter than humans after resigning from Google.


     Many business leaders have told me that the focus of board meetings is how they can use ChatGPT-style technology in their business as soon as possible.

            A few weeks ago I met with the head       of a large UK company. He put the text of       a  customer complaint on ChatGPT and           entered some rules into ChatGPT on the        spot, and then asked the artificial   intelligence chatbot to respond to the complaint according to those rules.

      In about a minute ChatGPT returned an answer that could be accepted without any coding required.

    I was told that the result from all this was 85% accurate. A person sitting in a call center would have given better results, but the response ChatGPT provided cost much less than staffing.

          But the good news is that staff will be needed to focus on the 15 percent that was left over from Chat GPT.

        But it is clear that this technology poses          a threat to jobs.

         If artificial intelligence models are not currently as capable as an intelligent adult, the day is not far off when they will be, because they are becoming powerful.

      Advances in technology are happening             faster than expected, and are moving                    towards the point where it will be                        cost-effective to adopt.

      The pace of change and adoption of this         technology means that its impact on the         economy and jobs could be felt this year.

     Artificial intelligence can dominate those parts of the economy that have so far had room for productivity improvement         because these are areas that require time    and knowledge to produce better products.

          Technology has greatly improved our quality of life.

         All the content we could ever want is now instantly available through streaming services on all our smartphones.




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